Github pages to document my open-source work.
Most of my intellectual free time is dedicated to Torah study, documented at (or , if I don't keep the other
domain name). My professional (medical-related) programming is at These projects are meant to help develop those, in one way or another.
- bililiteRange: Javascript text ranges that work with all sorts of elements
- CSS parser: jQuery-based CSS parser
- Flexcal: a jQuery-based datepicker that handles multiple calendar systems
- KavanotParsedown: Extensions to Parsedown
(a PHP Markdown processor) to make editing easier
- Keymap: jQuery plugin to implement “hotkeys” for keyboard events
- History Stack: General implementation of the
History interface for things like an undo stack
- Status: jQuery plugins create a "status bar" to display messages and ask for user input
- Timer Events: wrap setTimeout and setInterval in jQuery event handlers and Promise's
- Toolbar: a bunch of buttons in a row, with some fancy tricks
I'm never finished learning and tinkering, and I've always wanted one of these: