
Library for manipulating text ranges and selections, and assorted other programs that use that

View the Project on GitHub dwachss/bililiteRange

jQuery ex editor

bililiteRange.evim.js puts all of the other projects together. It creates a text editor from an element, using bililiteRange.ex.js commands and using my toolbar project to create buttons, and my status project to display messages and errors.



<div id=toolbar></div>
<textarea id=editor></textarea>
<div id=statusbar></div>


<div id=toolbar></div>
<pre contenteditable id=editor></pre>
<div id=statusbar></div>


rng.evim(document.getElementById('toolbar'), document.getElementById('statusbar'));

The first argument to evim is the element to contain the toolbar, and the second is the element to contain the message line and the input element for ex commands.


An editor with live Markdown conversion and some silly toolbar buttons and key mappings.

Key Mappings

It includes a number of key mappings that are based on VIM, but that I found more useful.

All commands start with ctrl-o (like evim).

There are really only four commands:

  1. ctrl-o : allows entry of any ex command. To accomodate my fat fingers, ctrl-o ;, ctrl-o ctrl-: and ctrl-o ctrl-; also bring up the command entry box.
  2. ctrl-o [fF] any-character Finds the next (for f) or previous (for F) occurence of the character. Works for printable characters only, not space, tab or newline.
  3. ctrl-o [verb] [object] uses bililiteRange find to select “objects”.
  4. ctrl-o j joins lines.

Possible values for verb include:

Possible values for object include (see the documentation for the definitions of these objects):


When evim is called, and are set to true. A listener for map events is set up (see below) to create buttons and key mappings, and rng.ex('source .exrc') is executed. So should be set appropriately before calling $.fn.ex. For example, with the default reader on localStorage, you could do:

localStorage.setItem('.exrc', `
	file untitled
	set magic off
	map ^s write
	map ^b sendkeys "<strong>{selection}{mark}</strong>"
	map! Save command=write observe=savestatus


evim allows for two kinds of map: map creates key mappings, and map! creates toolbar buttons. The ex command map triggers a map event with a left hand side and a right hand side (they are separated by the first space; use quotes to include spaces in the left hand side.

For key mappings, the left hand side is the key descriptor to pass to the keydown handler, using my keymap project. The right hand side is the ex command to execute with the current selection as the default address.

So, in the .exrc above, ctrl-S is mapped to range.ex('%%write') (the %% address means the current selection). control-B is mapped to a sendkeys command to surround the selection with the <strong> tag.

To map multiple keys, put the left hand side in quotes:

rng.ex('map "^o j" join');

For buttons, the left hand side is the name of the button. There are two syntaxes for the right hand side. The simple one is just the command:

rng.ex('map! Hello append Hello');

This does:

toolbar.button(lefthandside, righthandside); // in this case, toolbar.button('Hello', 'append Hello'); 

The complex syntax is in the form: command="command string" title="Tooltip title" observe="attribute to observe" (in any order, and all but command are optional).

This does:

button = toolbar.button(lefthandside, command, title);
if (observe) toolbar.observerElement(button, observe);

So buttons can be set to observe changes in the element (remembering that monitored bililiteRange data changes attributes named, for instance data-foo). The button will then get a class equal to the value of the attribute of the range element named observe.


rng.ex('map! Save command=write observe=data-savestatus' title="Save the text to the current file");`

will do:

button = toolbar.button('Save', 'write', 'Save the text to the current file');
toolbar.observerElement(button, 'data-savestatus');

and the savestatus option is set to dirty when the text is edited and clean when it is saved, so the class of the button will change and you can use CSS to style it appropriately.

See the documentation for toolbar for the details about toolbars and buttons.