
Library for manipulating text ranges and selections, and assorted other programs that use that

View the Project on GitHub dwachss/bililiteRange

bililiteRange bounds

Setting the bounds with range.bounds([x,y]) does no error checking or constraining, since the text may change. The constraining happens when the bounds are gotten with range.bounds(). Then both numbers are constrained with Math.max(0, Math.min (this.length, x or y)), and the second number is constrained to be greater or equal to the first, with y = Math.max(x, y).

The “built-in” functions


Sets the range to cover the entire element: [0, range.length].


Sets the range to a zero-length range at the end of the element: [range.length, range.length].


Sets the range to a zero-length range at the end of the current range: [range[1], range[1]].


Creates a new range with range.clone().bounds(, then sets the bounds of this range to the insersection of the two ranges. Thus range.bounds([2,4]).bounds('intersection', [3,5]) leaves range.bounds() as [3,4]. If the intersection is the null set, then the range is set to an empty range at an undefined location (with the current algorithm, it is the start of the later bounds, but I may change that).


Sets the range to the selected part of the element. This, along with, is how to interact with the user. bililiteRange’s act like selections, but they are not visible in the user interface.


Sets the range to a zero-length range at the start of the element: [0, 0].


Sets the range to a zero-length range at the start of the current range: [range[0], range[0]].

Custom functions

bililiteRange.prototype.bounds(s: string) looks for a function bililiteRange.bounds[s] and calls that with b = bililiteRange.bounds[s].apply(this, arguments), then sets the bounds with range.bounds(b).

So range.bounds('all') calls bililiteRange.bounds.all = () => [0, this.length];.

Extending bounds is easy, just do:

bililiteRange.bounds.firstchar = () => [0,1];

range.all('ABCDE').bounds('firstchar').text(); // 'A'

Error checking in the sense of constraining the bounds to fit the text (in the firstchar example, what if there is no text?) is not necessary. range.bounds() will constrain the actual bounds used so bounds[0] <= bounds[1] <= length.

The arguments are passed to the function, so extended arguments are possible:

bililiteRange.bounds.nthchar = (name, n) => [+n, n+1];

range.all('ABCDE').bounds('nthchar', 2).text(); // 'C'

And you can even manipulate the text, since the range is passed in as this, but this is a bad idea.

bililiteRange.bounds.wrap = function (name, before, after) {
	return this.text(before + this.text() + after, {select: 'all'}).bounds();

range.all('ABCDE').bounds('firstchar').bounds('wrap', 'foo', 'bar').text(); // 'fooAbar'

A more realistic use of this is to go to the end of the line (after next following newline):

bililiteRange.bounds.EOL = function () {
	if (this.text()[this.length-1] == '\n') return [this[1], this[1]]; // range ends with a newline
	const nextnewline = this.all().indexOf('\n', this[1]);
	if (nextnewline != -1) return [nextnewline + 1, nextnewline +1];
	return this.bounds('end').bounds(); // no newline

range.all('Hello\nWorld').bounds('start').bounds('EOL').text('Wonderful ').all(); // 'Hello\nWonderful World'